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Embracing the Shaman’s Path: How Death and Rebirth Fuel Our Evolution

In shamanic traditions, death and rebirth are more than just metaphors; they  represent profound shifts in consciousness, an invitation to shed the old and  step into a new way of being. Shamanic death is the surrender of outdated  beliefs, identities, and patterns that no longer serve us. The rebirth that  follows is the emergence of a deeper truth, an alignment with the soul’s  purpose and the natural rhythms of life. It is a journey of transformation, and  each time we experience it, we evolve into a more authentic version of  ourselves. 

This year, I experienced such a transformation on my birthday. Surrounded  by four beautiful souls from across the globe, I was guided through a deeply  healing process; one that would alter my path forever. These cherished  friends came with open hearts, offering their love, their unique healing gifts,  and their sacred ability to hold space for me. It was through their  compassionate presence that I was able to confront and release the shadow  part of myself that had long sabotaged my perception of who I truly was. 

For so long, I had been carrying the weight of old wounds; self-doubt, fear,  and limiting beliefs that kept me from fully embracing my potential. These  were the aspects of myself that built walls, created barriers, and held me  back from living a more expansive and free life. Yet in this sacred moment,  with the help of my dear companions, I was able to release them, gracefully  and gently. It was a moment of profound liberation, an act of letting go that  felt both tender and powerful. 

The rebirth took place in a cave at Holywell, Cornwall, a place that radiated  the nurturing energy of Mother Earth. Entering the cave was like returning to  the womb/ On our hands and knees, we crawled into the narrow space, and  immediately, I felt as though I was being held in the embrace of the Earth  herself. It was dark and womb-like, a space where I could surrender to the  process of remembering who I truly was.

Within the cave, a deeper truth within me was reawakened. I recalled the  aspect of myself that was self-assured, grounded, and affirmed in my being.  It was a process of reclaiming the parts of me that had been lost or  forgotten, a remembering of the strength and wisdom that had always been  within. This was not just a rebirth in name but in spirit, as I felt myself  become more centred, and increasingly aligned with my true nature. 

As I crawled out of the cave, headfirst, it was as though I was emerging from  the womb once again. I was greeted by a beautiful friend, my Shaman  midwife for this rebirth, who welcomed me into the arms of the Divine  Feminine. For the first time in my life, I felt what it was like to be held in such  a loving, peaceful, and nurturing embrace. It was an experience beyond  words, a deep knowing that I was safe, cherished, and loved in a way that  transcended the physical. 

From her arms, I was passed into the embrace of a dear male friend. As he  held me, I could feel the essence of the Divine Masculine, which felt strong,  supportive, and pure in its energy. In that moment, I understood what true  balance could feel like; the union of the masculine and feminine within me,  both sacred, both necessary. It was as though I had been given a glimpse of  what harmony between these forces could bring to my life, to my soul, and  to the world. 

We continued our journey to another cave further along the coast, where we  celebrated my rebirth in a Cacao and Blue Lotus ceremony. There, we sang,  shared words of gratitude, and simply existed in the timeless presence of  one another. Time held no relevance; we were in a space of pure connection,  united in our shared experience. I felt a sense of unity, community, and  fellowship that I had never experienced before. It was as if we had tapped  into something ancient and eternal. A sacred circle of souls bound by love  and purpose. 

With this rebirth came a new name, gifted to me by Spirit: Helen Lyra Rose.  Light, harmony, and love. These words now guide me as I step into the next  phase of my journey, embodying the essence of this name in all that I do and all that I am. It is a new path, one that I walk with an open heart, trusting in  the unfolding of life and the wisdom it brings. 

I look forward to what is yet to come, knowing that the path of death and  rebirth is not a single event, but an ongoing process. Each time we release  what no longer serves us and embrace the truth of who we are, we evolve.  And as we evolve, we grow closer to the divine, to our true purpose, and to  the beautiful unfolding of our soul’s journey.


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