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of the ancestors



Have you ever felt weighed down by patterns you can’t quite explain, as if certain emotional wounds, limiting beliefs, or sabotaging behaviours keep resurfacing in your life?


Do you sometimes wonder if you’re carrying something that isn’t even yours to begin with, perhaps something that runs deeper than your own experiences?

If you’ve asked yourself these questions, you may be carrying ancestral patterns that are silently shaping your life. But, what if you could heal those patterns, release the weight of inherited burdens, and instead, reclaim the gifts and strengths of your ancestors?


Great news - you now can with 'The Medicine of the Ancestors'


Ancestral healing is the practice of uncovering and transforming the emotional, behavioural, and energetic patterns passed down through your lineage. These inherited patterns can take many forms:

  • Emotional wounds such as unhealed grief, fear, or anger

  • Limiting beliefs connected to worthiness, abundance, or success

  • Behavioural patterns rooted in survival or scarcity mindsets

  • Legacy burdens or unresolved karma that weighs on your soul


These patterns can sabotage you, often without you realising it. Have you ever wondered why certain struggles persist no matter what you do? It’s not always because of the choices you’ve made, but it could be the invisible hand of generations past. What if the struggles you face today didn’t begin with you?

How Ancestral Patterns Silently Sabotage Your Life

Ancestral healing is the practice of uncovering and transforming the emotional, behavioural, and energetic patterns passed down through your lineage. These inherited patterns can take many forms:

  • Emotional wounds such as unhealed grief, fear, or anger

  • Limiting beliefs connected to worthiness, abundance, or success

  • Behavioural patterns rooted in survival or scarcity mindsets

  • Legacy burdens or unresolved karma that weighs on your soul


These patterns can sabotage you, often without you realising it. Have you ever wondered why certain struggles persist no matter what you do? It’s not always because of the choices you’ve made, but it could be the invisible hand of generations past. What if the struggles you face today didn’t begin with you?

If these patterns are ignored and remain unhealed, they covertly continue to ripple through your life and potentially through the lives of your children and future generations. Imagine for a moment, living the rest of your life with these inherited burdens, feeling them weigh you down. Without action, these patterns persist, affecting every area of your life:


  • Relationships may remain strained, filled with unspoken resentments or repeated conflicts.

  • Career and financial potential may feel blocked or unobtainable, as you unconsciously carry beliefs of unworthiness, lack or scarcity.

  • Your emotional landscape may be defined by guilt, shame, anxiety, fear, or grief that doesn’t seem to belong to you.


Maybe you wish to change these patterns, but are unsure how to heal them. There is a way for you to break free. This is where your role, as a family pattern breaker begins.

Does this resonate with you?

Are you ready to break the cycle

and shift the direction of your lineage?

Begin your journey on Sunday 20th October 2024.

I’m here to support you walk the path from restriction to expansion, from ancestral burdens to ancestral gifts, and from self-sabotage to self-mastery.

Once you engage in ancestral healing, you begin to unlock the deeper gifts and strengths within your lineage. This isn’t just about releasing the pain, it’s about reclaiming the medicine of your ancestors:

  • Emotional resilience and compassion

  • Physical strength, courage, and body wisdom

  • Mental adaptability and a thrive mindset

  • Creative gifts, intuitive insight, and self-leadership 

  • A deeper sense of belonging and connection to yourself, others and the world around you


What would your life look like if you fully embodied these gifts?

When you heal these patterns, you step into a state of expansion and empowerment. You break free from the limitations that have held your lineage back and chart a new course for yourself and future generations. You become the change-maker, the one who rewrites the story.

The Medicine of the Ancestors:

A 6-Week Transformational Program £199

I invite you to join me, Helen Lyra Rose, for a sacred journey of ancestral healing through my 6-week group program, ‘The Medicine of the Ancestors’. We start on Sunday 20th October at 7pm GMT and will gather online every Sunday for 6 weeks. Each week you will be guided through a deeply transformative process of healing your legacy burdens, releasing inherited patterns, and reclaiming your ancestral superpowers.


Over the course of six weeks, you’ll move through the four directions of the inner compass, exploring inherited emotional wounds, sabotaging behaviours, limiting beliefs, and legacy burdens, whilst also reclaiming the gifts, wisdom, and strengths of your ancestors.


Here’s What You’ll Experience:

Week 1: Opening Gathering & Introduction

We will open sacred space and create a safe container for the journey ahead. You’ll be supported to set powerful intentions and begin to connect with your inner compass and your ancestors.

Week 2: West – Inherited Emotional Patterns and Trauma

We will explore emotional wounds that have been passed down through your lineage and learn how to release them. You’ll reclaim the emotional gifts your ancestors offer.

Week 3: North – Inherited Behaviours

Together, we’ll identify and transform the inherited behaviours that limit your growth. We’ll shift survival patterns into empowered actions.

Week 4: East – Inherited Limiting or Sabotaging Beliefs

We will uncover the limiting beliefs that hold you back and replace them with empowering truths that support your expansion.

Week 5: South – Inherited Legacy Burdens or Karma

This week focuses on the legacy burdens or karma passed down through your lineage. You’ll release these energies and reclaim your inherent gifts.

Week 6: Closing Ceremony & Summary

We’ll come together to celebrate your transformation, integrating all the gifts and healing you have received. You’ll step into the future with clarity, strength, and the medicine of your ancestors.

Online Weekly Live Events:

Weekly Circles will take place on a Sunday evening from 7pm - 9pm GMT, facilitated by Helen Lyra Rose.


The first circle and opening ceremony, begins on Sunday 20th October, with the last closing cermeony and circle taking place on Sunday 24th November 2024.

Private Facebook Group:

You will have exclusive access to a private Facebook. This will be our sacred virtual circle, where we come together as a community to connect deeply, share our personal experiences, and support one another on this transformative journey. You will also be able to access replays of the live circles to watch again in your own time. 


Why Join This Program?

A 6-Week Transformational Program

By joining ‘The Medicine of the Ancestors’, you’ll not only experience profound healing, but you’ll also:


  • Break free from inherited emotional pain, limiting beliefs, and sabotaging patterns

  • Reclaim the wisdom, gifts, and strengths that are your birthright

  • Create a new path for yourself and future generations

  • Step into a deeper connection with your lineage and the world around you

This is your moment to step into your power as a family pattern breaker.

It’s time. You future self is encouraging you to take action.

Doing what you’ve always done, will keep you where you are. Therefore, you risk living a life defined by limitations that aren’t even yours to begin with. The cycles will continue, impacting your relationships, your career, your emotional well-being, and your future.

Stop the cycle and step into your highest potential

This six-week program is a sacred investment in yourself, your lineage, and your future. Spaces are limited, as I want to ensure this is a deeply personal and supported experience for everyone involved.

Ready to release inherited burdens and reclaim the gifts of your ancestors?

Still Wondering if this is right for you?

I invite you, to ask yourself:

  • Do I feel weighed down by emotions, behaviours, or beliefs I can’t fully explain?

  • Am I ready to break free from patterns that have held me back for far too long?

  • What would my life look like if I stepped into my full potential, free from inherited burdens?

If these questions resonate with you, then this program is your next step.


This is a sacred invitation to walk a path of healing, transformation, and empowerment. Your ancestors are waiting to support you. Are you ready to receive their wisdom and gifts?


Join me, Helen Lyra Rose in ‘The Medicine of the Ancestors’ today.

Sign up now, so you can begin your transformation journey on 20th October.

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Meet Helen Lyra Rose,

your guide and mentor for this journey

Helen Lyra Rose, founder of The Medicine Tent, is a Empowerment Coach and Self-Mastery Mentor, with over a decade of professional experience helping others reconnect with their innate power, reclaim their authentic essence and unlock their untapped potential.


Helen’s personal journey has been a profound path of transformation, breaking free from beliefs of not being enough, emotional patterns of shame, fear and anxiety, as well as unhealthy behaviours of isolation. She has also healed inherited wounds of female subservience and the suppression of her healing gifts. Through deep ancestral work and the integration of both feminine and masculine energies, she has reclaimed her full expression, as a healer, mentor and leader.


Today, Helen supports others in transitioning from survival mode to thriving, using self-empowerment practices rooted in ancient traditions, blended with modern techniques. Her six-week program, Medicine of the Ancestors, is a culmination of her life's work, designed to help participants embody their highest potential and connect with the wisdom of their lineage to create lasting transformation.

instrumental in my spiritual journey

"Helen has been instrumental in my spiritual journey. I have attended her ceremonies for years, as Helen creates such a beautiful, restorative and healing space. Not only that, but her spiritual wisdom and knowledge is truly inspiring. Attending her ceremonies always feels like a gift to the soul, and I am always blessed with so many insights. I wouldn't be where I am today without Helen's guidance, support and encouragement. I am truly indebted to her.”

Fiona, Uniting Souls

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