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Group coaching programme



Are you feeling stuck in patterns of self-sabotage, repeating the same unhelpful behaviours despite your best efforts to change?

Do you long to step into a life of true purpose, joy, and fulfilment, but feel held back by fears, limiting beliefs, or emotional blockages?  


group coaching programme



Welcome to Design Your Destiny, a 12-week group coaching journey  designed to help you shift from surviving in a state of self-sabotage to  thriving through self-mastery. This transformative program invites you to  explore your inner landscape, working with the archetypes of the Sabotage  Self and Authentic Self, and harnessing the power of the Inner Compass.  Together, we will navigate the physical, emotional, mental, and soulful  aspects of your being, empowering you to become the creator of your own  destiny. 


In a safe and supportive group environment, you will experience six biweekly  2-hour group Zoom sessions, weekly email check-ins, and receive eBooks,  integration practices, and journal prompts to help you integrate the  teachings into your daily life.


You will also have access to a private Facebook  group, in which we will support each other. By the end of this journey, you  will move from striving and self-sabotaging into a state of ease, flow, and  self-mastery.

What to Expect from the Program:

This 12-week group coaching program is structured around six key stages,  each focusing on a unique aspect of your journey toward self-mastery. Over  the course of these six stages, you will work alongside others who are on a  similar path, sharing insights and experiences that deepen your personal  transformation. 

12 weeks @ £444 - starting 22nd January 2025

Stage One: Awakening The Archetypes Within 

Your journey begins by connecting with the two powerful archetypes that  shape your inner landscape: the Sabotage Self and the Authentic Self. In  Stage One, we will uncover the limiting beliefs, emotional blocks, sabotaging  behaviours, and fears that keep you stuck in survival mode. We will also tap  into the empowering beliefs, emotional resources, supportive behaviours,  and superpowers of your Authentic Self. This foundational work sets the  stage for the healing and empowerment that follows.

Stage Two: Reclaiming Emotional Freedom (West - Heart Compass)

In Stage Two, we turn to the West on your Inner Compass; the direction of  the heart and emotions. Through group discussions, guided journeys, and  energy healing, we will uncover and release the emotional roots of self sabotage. You will reclaim the emotional resilience of your Authentic Self,  learning to manage your feelings with grace and wisdom. 

Stage Three: Stepping into Physical Empowerment (North - Body Compass) 

Stage Three shifts the focus to the North; your physical body and  behaviours. Together, we will explore how shadow behaviours manifest  physically and how they keep you in cycles of disempowerment. Through  body-based practices and group healing, you’ll reclaim the adaptability and  strength of your Authentic Self, gaining the courage to step out of your  comfort zone and into your personal evolution.

Stage Four: Expanding the Mind (East - Mind)

The East on the Inner Compass invites us to explore the mind and mental  patterns in Stage Four. You will identify the limiting beliefs and negative  thought patterns that have kept you stuck in self-sabotage. Through group  exercises and guided shamanic journeys, you will clear mental blocks,  activating the clarity, discernment, and intuitive thinking of your Authentic  Self.

Stage Five: Unleashing Your True Expression (South - Soul)

In Stage Five, we move South to the realm of the soul and self-expression.  Here, we will uncover the core fears and unconscious programming that  prevent you from living in alignment with your true purpose. Through soulful  group exploration and sacred practices, you will reclaim the ability to  express your Authentic Self fully and fearlessly, living in alignment with your  soul’s deepest truth. 

Stage Six: Pathway to Mastery 

In the final stage of your journey, we will integrate all the aspects of your  Authentic Self that you have reclaimed over the past weeks. This stage is  about reflection, self-celebration, and creating an empowerment pathway to  guide your continued growth. Together, we will explore the self empowerment practices that will support you moving forward, ensuring you  continue to thrive in self-mastery long after the program ends.

What You’ll Receive in the Group Coaching Program: 

• Six biweekly, 2-hour live group coaching sessions via Zoom

• A supportive group environment to share insights and experiences

• Weekly email check-ins for accountability and encouragement

• E-books, integration practices, and journal prompts to guide your  transformation 

• Live replays 

• A sacred space to explore your inner world and reclaim your Authentic Self

As part of your Design Your Destiny journey, you will also gain access to a  private Facebook group exclusively for program participants. This is your  safe space to be seen, heard, and acknowledged. Here, you can ask questions, share your experiences, and celebrate your wins along the way.  The group offers a sense of community and connection, allowing you to  journey alongside others who are on the same path toward self-mastery.  You’ll also have access to replays of the live Zoom sessions, so you can  revisit the teachings and guided practices at any time, ensuring you never  miss a moment of your transformation.

12 weeks @ £444 - starting 22nd January 2025

Are You Still Wondering if This is For You?

If you’ve made it this far, something deep within you is already stirring. Perhaps a longing for transformation, and a desire to step into your full potential. But perhaps a part of you still hesitates, unsure if this journey is truly for you.

I invite you to ask yourself:

  • Do you feel a calling for more alignment and purpose in your life?

  • Are you tired of repeating the same cycles, feeling stuck or limited?

  • Do you crave deeper connection; with yourself, with others, and with the essence of life?

If any of this resonates, know that Design Your Destiny is here to help you break free from the old patterns, limiting beliefs, and self-sabotaging behaviours that have held you back. This is a program for those ready to reclaim their personal power and walk their path with clarity, confidence, and purpose.

This is a sacred invitation to create a life that aligns with your soul’s deepest desires. By joining us, you’ll gain the tools to release what no longer serves you, embody your true potential, and design a future filled with meaning, joy, and abundance. Don’t wait - your destiny is waiting to unfold.

Are you ready to design your destiny

in the company of others who are committed to their growth?  

Join us in this sacred group journey and take the first step toward your  empowered future. Your destiny is waiting.

Helen Lyra Rose_Enlight3505_circle.webp

Meet Your Mentor: Helen Lyra Rose 

Helen Lyra Rose is the heart and soul behind The Medicine Tent, guiding individuals on their journey from self-sabotage to self-mastery. As a highly  trained practitioner in Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, Shamanic Journeying  and Energy Healing, as well as holistic health practices such as Touch for  Health and Educational Kinesiology, Helen has spent over a decade  supporting others in healing their inner wounds and reclaiming their  authentic power. Her professional path began with a deep interest in the  mind-body connection, leading her to study modalities that integrate the  physical, emotional, mental, and soulful aspects of self-healing.​

Helen’s approach is rooted not only in her extensive education, but in her  personal transformation as well. For many years, she found herself stuck in  self-sabotage mode, repeating unhealthy patterns, limiting beliefs, and  emotional blocks that kept her disconnected from her true purpose. Through  her own healing journey, Helen discovered the profound power of inner work,  learning to identify the shadows that were holding her back and awakening  the wisdom of her Authentic Self. This journey of self-mastery allowed her to  step into a life filled with joy, meaning, and fulfilment. 

Today, Helen uses her experience to empower others to walk this same path  of healing and transformation. Her gentle, intuitive guidance helps clients  break free from the patterns of the past, embrace their true potential, and live a life of sovereignty and self-expression. Helen’s vision is to create a world  where individuals live fully aligned with their inner truth, knowing that they  are the creators of their own destiny.

instrumental in my spiritual journey

"Helen has been instrumental in my spiritual journey. I have attended her ceremonies for years, as Helen creates such a beautiful, restorative and healing space. Not only that, but her spiritual wisdom and knowledge is truly inspiring. Attending her ceremonies always feels like a gift to the soul, and I am always blessed with so many insights. I wouldn't be where I am today without Helen's guidance, support and encouragement. I am truly indebted to her.”

Fiona, Uniting Souls

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